Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Random idea from a Mad Hatter...

Guys this is C.R.A.Z.Y ... i went to comment on someones blog and actually noticed what it asks you when you have to fill in those silly words... it says "Prove you're not a robot"...

doesn't this just prove that technology and machines are really taking over our world?? that even the Bicentennial Man, E.T, the terminator or wierd creatures like edward of Jacob can try to comment on our blogs but won't get past the tricky non-sensable word questions...

WEIRD AND CRAZY don't you think?


  1. Stupid thing doesnt have spelcheck... its suppose to be Edward OR Jacob...

  2. thats very funny.. Tintswalo

  3. hahaha thats so true, scary how we have to protect ourselves from that which we have created (technology), it's like a bad frankenstein movie, the world we now find ourselves in!! And even with all the technological advancements, blogs still don't have spell check... how?? it helps writing in a word document and copy pasting it across.

    Good Luck from a real person
    Marne Congdon

  4. lol thats very true and funny but the main reason they do that is to stop people programming their computers to download things from the internet while they do something else

    Adri Boshoff u04353781

  5. It's strange to think that there are those technoboffs out there who are so 21st Century literate that they are able to create the semblance of intelligence artificially.

    What seems even stranger is that in maybe ten years it could be the future school youths having this advanced programming as a school subject!!

    Just a thought,
    SASK is watching

    Sarah van der Merwe (04396960)

  6. Hehe, well at least we're safe knowing that Bicentennial Man, E.T, the terminator, Edward and Jacob are only fictional characters - as we know them ;) I think it's pretty amazing actually, imagining the height of intelligence that these creators have. Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with the unethical practice I'm just aware that it requires skill to programme :)

    1. I just questioned whether I may actually be a robot. I had to refresh the jumble a number of times before I could vaguely make out the jumble o_O
