Wednesday 14 March 2012

A techno Wonderland by Catherine Volschenk

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While Alice wonders through this magical world, trying everything in her power to survive, she is adapting to what the world and the people are expecting from her. Having to go beyond what she thought she is capable of to save not only herself but the people of Wonderland.
In some way this is what the technology of the 21st century asks from us – to think beyond our capability of understanding and achieving things beyond out imagination. Steve Jobs (I’m not the biggest fan) thought beyond what humans thought they could achieve. He had a vision of what he wanted technology to become and he and his company did everything in their power to make that happen, and now we have some of the best technological developments at our fingertips. Richard Branson had also a vision and followed what he believed in he could do to change the world (in some way) and make life easier for people.
Look at what the Japanese are creating and developing with their technological resources. They are striving for a world like the Jetsons – a techno genius world with robots as servants, automatic walkways and space cars.
The 21st century is like a “technolized” 1960’s… The era of Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll, the only difference is we have the privilege of documenting everything… We live in an era of documenting everything we do, think, going to think, going to do and even going to say. We tweet, facebook, my space, etc, everything is just a click away. It’s the world of iPads, tabs, mobile dstv, free chat sites, electrical cigarettes and much much more.
We are creating our own wonderland with all these technological discoveries. The only problem is we are becoming more and more incapable of doing things ourselves and machines and technological equipment are becoming our intellectual replacements.
Cutting out the problems of 21st century technology and just focusing on what a wonderful world it is actually creating; education can actually benefit much more from it than we are allowing it. Schools can implement technology to make class more fun, using over head projectors and use slideshows with pictures and videos in class, iPads to have all the prescribed books on one thing, making the suitcases of the children lighter, play wii in class to get the children active again, etc. make school for the children lekker and unforgettable.
Like Alice we as educators wonder through this wonderland of technology having the world at our fingertips only focusing on trying to survive. Look beyond the trees and the flowers, look beyind the given facts and use your creativity to make something of this wonder lane we are strolling in.  Bring the joy of learning into your class, your own little wonderland, to save the lives of the children who is becoming the product of a lost education. Go beyond what is expected of you and what you think you are capable of and use the techo world as a resource to change from an ordinary teacher to extra ordinary, one that will save, change and encourage lives to become better people.
Save the lives of the Wonderlanders!!


  1. When I went to observe the primary schools I saw learners who's bags are bigger than them, attempting to lift the heavy bag and mostly failing... just think about the back problems that carrying all your textbooks on an ipad will save and how it will help those learners who have to walk great distances home carrying heavy bags

    Adri Boshoff 04353781

    1. I saw that too,especially with the grade 1s. Making use of ipads or tablets would make life so much easier for these learners

      Nainde Taft

  2. I have to disagree that we are forced "to think beyond our capability of understanding and achieving things beyond [our] imagination". I think rather we are pushed by necessity to think to the furthest reaches of our ability to conceptualise, yet it is still within our capabilities. If it were beyond us, a four year old would not be able to use an ipad.

    We cannot neglect the negative, but rather seek a way, through technology, to face the bad and attempt to turn it to good.

    Keep at it all.
    Sarah van der Merwe (04396960)

  3. I like your idea of playing wii in the class- i have never thought of that! :)
