Wednesday 14 March 2012

A Wonder learner by Nadine Taft

How do we define the learner?
The 21st century learner is a completely different being! Social, interactive and always on. They are constantly connected. Learning for them has become a life-long process and continues beyond the classroom. They are creative creatures, who think critically about the information they have been given. They are able to use this information, think out of the box, and apply it to the real world situations. Doing a million things at once, no problem! These learners are incredible multitaskers.  The 21st century learner is digitally literate and world of technology is their playground. They have instant access to information and are able to take it all in quicker than we think.
Rodgers, M., Runyon, D., Starrett, D., Von Holzen, R. ()Teaching the 21st century learner. 22nd Annual conference on distance teaching and learning. Sited from: 

1 comment:

  1. We do live in a global village and we can get hold of one another and transmit information by a click of a mouse
